The Maritime Security Cooperation Conference (MSCC 2009)

Program Highlights

Olivier Darrason
Chairman of the Board, Institute of Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN)
CEO, CEIS (Compagnie Européenne d’Intelligence Stratégique), France

Olivier is Chairman of the Board at the Institute of Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN) and the founder and CEO of CEIS, France’s leading private-sector expert in competitive intelligence with a team of 80 consultants over the world (including Belgium, UAE, China, and Japan).

He holds a masters in law and was a high-ranking civil servant (graduating from l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA)) having served in the French Administration as a Government Representative in the French West Indies (Guadeloupe-1982) and in Provence (Var-1983-1986). He was also a member of the French ministerial cabinet from 1986 to 1988. Elected to the French Parliament (National Assembly 1993-1997), Olivier was a Member of the Defence Committee, and Speaker for the Air Force Budget and for Military Service Reform. In the field of defence, within his consultancy agency, he has personally participated in two major reforms: the French Defence Procurement Agency and responsibility for Joint Chief of Staff.

He was appointed in March 2007 by the French Prime Minister as the Chairman of the Board at the Institute of Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN) where he became one of 19 experts tasked with redefining French strategy in a 15-year perspective, embracing both defence and national security. (The French White paper on defence and national security). He holds the French decorations: Officier des Arts et des Lettres and Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite.

H.E. Dr. Anwar Mohammad Gargash
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs,
Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs, UAE

His Excellency Dr. Anwar Mohammed Gargash was appointed in 2006 as Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs and in 2008 he was also appointed Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. His Excellency obtained a PhD from King's College and Cambridge University. He also holds Bachelor and Master degrees in Political Science from George Washington University, USA.

In addition to his ministerial position, His Excellency is also holds the following positions:
• Chairman of the Permanent Committee for Monitoring UAE's Image Abroad
• Chairman of the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking
• Member of the Board of Trustees' Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation
• Deputy Chairman of the Permanent National Committee for Demographic Structure
• Member of the National Curriculum Development Committee
• Member of the Ministerial Legislative Committee
• Member of the Board of Trustees Emirates Nationals Development Program
• Member of Dubai Economic Council

His Excellency has already held several positions at the Local and Federal Level, the most important of
which were as follows:
• Chairman, National Election Committee (between 08/2006 and 02/2007)
• Member of Board of Directors, Emirates Media, (between 1999 and 2007)
• Member of Board of Directors, Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) between 2000-2006
• Chairman, DCCI's Economic Affairs and Commercial Activities Committee and Member of the DCCI's
Executive Bureau until 2006

Michel Miraillet
Under Secretary of Defence for Policy,
French Ministry of Defence

In the mid-eighties, after two Masters in Public Law and Business Administration in Paris, Michel Miraillet graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences-Po) and the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA).

In 1988, he started his career as Desk Officer at the Middle East affairs Directorate in charge of Iraq and Iran affairs for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), then, until 1992, he became Deputy Head of the Office for Arms Export Control at the Economic Directorate.

His career abroad started in New-York in 1992 where Mr. Miraillet was appointed 2nd Counsellor at the Permanent mission to the United Nations, in charge of the 1st Committee, UNSCOM and Pol-Mil Affairs at the Security Council. He then went on to serve for twelve years in different positions in French embassies in the Middle East and at the French mission to NATO in Brussels (1997-2000), before coming back to Paris in 2004 as Deputy Head of the Human Resources Directorate of the MFA.

In 2006, he became Director for International and Strategic Affairs at the Secretariat-general for National Defence linked to the Prime Minister’s office. Since the 24th of August 2007, Michel Miraillet is Under Secretary of Defence for Policy at the French Ministry of Defence.

Admiral Luciano Zappata
Italian Navy
Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation

Upon commissioning from the Naval Academy, May 1970, Admiral Zappata served aboard various Italian submarines and Destroyers; he served as Staff-Officer-in-Charge of the development of the Navy Command, Control and Information Automated System. Promoted to Commander in 1982, and served on the Navy General Staff, Commander in Chief Naval Fleet and served as Chief, Command and Control Section and Head, C3 Office. Subsequent assignments included Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of Italian Frigates, and participation in Persian Gulf Operations.

From 1987-1992 he served with Italian Naval Staff Combat Systems Division. Follow-on tours included Commanding Officer, Italian Cruiser participating in Operation Restore Hope and NATO and Western European Union Operations in Former Yugoslavia as NATO Commander Flagship, Standing Naval Force Mediterranean. Promoted to Rear Admiral in December 1996, he Commanded Second and Third Naval Divisions during Operation ALLIED FORCE - KOSOVO. Returning to Italy, he served as Assistant Head, Navy Development Department; Chief of Staff, Commander in Chief Naval Fleet and Vice Inspector, Naval Logistic Support. Promoted to Vice Admiral in January 2005, he served as Navy Chief of Staff Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy and Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Italian Defence. Following his promotion to Admiral in June 2007 he assumed his current position on 2 July 2007. Admiral Zappata has been awarded the Knight of Italian Military Order and Officer of the Order for Merit of the Republic of Italy.

Vice Admiral William Gortney
Commander, US Naval Forces Central Command, United States

Vice Admiral Bill Gortney graduated from Elon College, North Carolina, in 1977 with a BA in History and Political Science. He entered the Navy as an aviation officer candidate, received his commission in the United States Naval Reserve in September 1977 and earned his wings of gold in December 1978.

U.S. Naval Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet / Combined Maritime Forces is VADM Gortney’s third command tour in the U.S. Central Command area of operations, supporting Maritime Security Operations and combat operations for Operations Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Iraqi Freedom (OIF). VADM’s extensive experience in the CENTCOM area of operations includes serving on the Joint Staff, J-33 Joint Operations Department CENTCOM Division from 1998-1999, and tours supporting the violent peace of Operation Southern Watch from 2000-2001 as deputy for Current Operations, Joint Task Force Southwest Asia, and deploying as deputy commander, Carrier Air Wing 7, onboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). He also served as chief, Naval and Amphibious Liaison Element to the Combined Forces Air Component Commander, U.S. Central Command, for the opening months of OIF, followed as chief of staff for Commander U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet from 2003-2004.

Gortney has flown over 5360 mishap free flight hours and 1,265 carrier-arrested landings, primarily in the A-7E Corsair II and the FA-18 Hornet. He is authorized to wear the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (four awards), Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), Meritorious Service Medal (three awards), Air Medal (three awards: Gold Numeral One, two Strike/Flight), Defense Commendation Medal (three awards), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Sea Service Ribbon (8 awards) and the Overseas Service Ribbon.

Vice Admiral Gerard Valin
Commander, French Forces in Indian Ocean

Vice Admiral Gérard Valin was born in 1953 in Lunéville (Meurthe-et-Moselle). He joined the French Naval Academy in 1974. He specialised in naval aviation as a pilot in 1978 and qualified as a carrier-borne fighter pilot on F8E Crusader. He joined the Maritime Patrol community in 1984 and specialised on the Atlantic, a maritime patrol aircraft. He was twice engaged in operations in Chad (Ops Epervier) in 1986 and 1989. Promoted to Commander in 1991, he took command from 1991 to 1993 of the 24F Squadron in NAS Lann- Bihoué. His operational naval aviator time ended as head of the Operations department in NAS Lann Bihoué in 1994.

He returned at sea as Executive Officer of the AS Frigate "Georges Leygues", and took part in the "Sharp Guard" Operation in Adriatic Sea in 1996. He then commanded the frigate "Vendémiaire." Promoted Captain in October 1997, he joined the Naval Staff in Paris in the Plans & Policy division for three years. He then attended the 50th Session of the Center for Advanced Military Studies (CHEM) and the Institute of National Defence Advanced Studies (IHEDN). This was followed by two years in the MoD Central Staff in the General Military Strategy department before dealing again with aviation issues as the Deputy Inspector Naval Aviation in 2003-04. He was promoted Rear Admiral in June 2004, and was appointed Secretary General of the newly created Joint Capability Board Permanent Office under the CHOD presidency. In September 2006, he was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Plans, Policy & Capabilities in the Naval Staff. He was promoted Vice Admiral in January 2007 and appointed Admiral (Commander), commanding the Indian Ocean’s Maritime Area, in January 2008. His personal decorations include the Legion of Honour (Officer) and the National Order of Merit.

Professor Anthony Cordesman
Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
United States

Anthony’s work featured prominently during the Gulf War, Desert Fox, the conflict in Kosovo, the fighting in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War. During his time at CSIS, he has directored the Gulf Net Assessment Project and the Gulf in Transition Study and been principle investigator of the Homeland Defense Project. He was also co-director of the Strategic Energy Initiative.

Anthony formerly served as national security assistant to Senator John McCain of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as director of intelligence assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and as civilian assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense. He has led studies on the Iraq War, Afghan conflict, armed nation building and counterinsurgency, national missile defense, asymmetric warfare and weapons of mass destruction, global energy supply, and critical infrastructure protection.

In 1974, he directed the analysis of the lessons of the October War for the Secretary of Defense. He has also served at the Department of State, Department of Energy, and NATO International Staff. He is a former adjunct professor of national security studies at Georgetown University and has twice been a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He has authored over 60 books including a four-volume series on the lessons of modern war. His most recent works include: Lessons of the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah War (2007), Iran’s Military Forces and Warfighting Capabilities (2007), Salvaging American Defense (2007), and Chinese Military Modernization (2007). He has been awarded the Department of Defense Distinguished Service Medal.

Vice Admiral Raimondo Pollastrini
Commander, Italian Coast Guard Corp

VAD Raimondo Pollastrini was born in Milan on June 1945 and began his navy career when he joined the Coast Guard as a Reserve Officer. He became the Commander of the Italian Coast Guard in July 2007.
Rear Admiral (LH) since 01/01/1999, he was promoted Rear Admiral (UH) on 01/01/2003. From 5th March to 3rd July 2007, Admiral Pollastrini held the post of Vice Commandant of the Italian Coast Guard.

Admiral Pollastrini has a degree in Italian Literature (Florence University) and in Law (Genoa University) with a thesis on Law of Navigation entitled "Protection of the crew and the responsibility of maritime ship agents". Written during his service at the Naval Academy and at the Naval War Institute, a number of his works are currently used as textbooks there. VAD Pollastrini has also held teaching positions at a large number of universities across Italy including the University of Genoa, the University of Naples, the University of Cassino, and the University of Tor Vergata teching.

His decorations include the following honors: Commander of the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic; Mauriziana Medal for fifty years of military career; Silver Medal for length of Command; Golden cross with star for length of military service (40 years); Commemorative cross for humanitarian activity in Albania; Knight of the Order of Saint Gregory Magno; Commander of the Order of Saint Agatha of the Republic of San Marino, and Commander of the Saint George Holy Military Order of Constantine. On 20th June 2008 he was nominated Honorary Member of the Italian Association of Maritime Law. On 11th July 2008 the Foundation "Centro Internazionale Radio Medico" (CIRM) granted him the Certificate of Merit.

Rear Admiral Marin Gillier
Commander, French Naval Special Forces

Rear Admiral Marin Gillier was born in Paris on 27 November 1957. He enlisted in École navale (Naval Academy) in September 1977. He graduated from l'École Supérieure de Guerre Navale (Navy War College) in 1993 and from Centre des Hautes études Militaires and Institut des Hautes études de la Défense Nationale (French Defense College) in 2006.

He served in Special Forces, in SEAL teams from 1982 to 1990, then as Chief of Operations in the Naval Special Warfare Command in Lorient from 1993 to 1995. He moved to French headquarters between 1998 and 2005 and finally was Chief of Operations and Navy Adviser to the Commanding Officer. Operations brought him to Lebanon, Rwanda (Operation Turquoise), Bosnia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Afghanistan, where he commanded a Joint Task Group in an international environment.

In the field of international relations, he served as a Naval Attaché in Egypt from 1995 to 1998, and as a Special Operations Counsellor in Jordan from 1999 to 2002. He also conducted numerous missions of liaison, assessment and coordination abroad through his career. Since July 2007, he has been the French Naval Special Forces Commander in Lorient, Brittany. He has been awarded with many medals, including Grand officer of Royal Jordanian Military Merit and Saint-Maurice Medal of American Infantry.

Rear Admiral (UH) Ali El Moallem
Chief of Staff
Lebanese Navy

Rear Admiral Moallem graduated from Lebanese University after studying geography. He graduated as a Military Naval Officer in 1975 from the French Naval Academy in Brest. On his return to Lebanon he became Commander Large Patrol Boats (LBP) at Jounieh Naval Base, and then Company Commander. Between 1978-1983 he was based at Beirut International Airport before becoming Deputy Naval Commander for Military Operations and Logistics. He then moved to the Department of Personnel at Army HQ before becoming Director of the Legal Military Section. In 1992, he became Commander Beirut Naval Base and became Deputy Commander Operations for the Lebanese Navy in 1995. Between 1998-2003 he was Commander Jounieh Naval Base and also lead studies at the United Sates Defense Institute of International and Legal Studies (DILS), Lebanon, from 2000-2003. In July 2002 he was promoted to Rear Admiral in the Lebanese Navy. He also taught at the Lebanese War College between 2000-2007. His appointment as Commander Lebanese Navy in June 2008.

He has studied widely on the areas of oceans policy, domestic operations, marine safety and environmental security, peace operations, Law of the Sea, disciplined military operations, naval military operations, and amphibious warfare. Currently, he is a member of many Inter-ministerial committees dealing with issues of naval affairs, borders, security, military research, and the application of the SOLAS-74 convention and ISPS code on Lebanese ports and ships. His many awards include Medal of Military Pride, Lebanese Military Order Medal, First Class National Cedar Medal, Cavalry Merit (Fares) Maritime Order Medal, First Rank Maritime Order Medal of Excellence, and Dawn of the South Medal. His awards of distinction come from Commander Lebanese Army; Minister of Public Works and Transport; US Coast Guard International Training Division (DILS); General of the LAF. In addition to Arabic, his native language, he is also proficient in French, Italian, and English.

Vice Admiral (R’td) Kevin J. Cosgriff
Former Commander, Fifth Fleet, United States Navy

As Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (2007-2008) Vice Admiral Cosgriff oversaw all naval combat, combat support, and maritime security operations throughout the Middle East and Southwest Asia area. He simultaneously commanded the U.S. Fifth Fleet and the Combined Maritime Forces, the latter comprised of ships and aircraft from over twenty contributing nations.

Previously Vice Admiral Cosgriff was the Deputy Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia. His first Flag Officer job was Director, Office of Program Appraisal for the Secretary of the Navy. During the Clinton Administration, Vice Admiral Cosgriff served as Director, White House Situation Room and Director of Systems and Technical Planning for the National Security Council. Early in his career he was an analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency/National Military Intelligence Center At sea Vice Admiral Cosgriff commanded Cruiser Destroyer Group 8/Theodore Roosevelt Battle Group. He previously had commanded Destroyer Squadron 32 and before that USS Robert G Bradley (FFG 49).

Vice Admiral Kevin J. Cosgriff graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y. He was among the first to receive a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence from the National Defense Intelligence College. He also earned the Naval War College Foundation Award for Outstanding Performance. He is an alumnus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seminar XXI Program.

Amer Daoudi
Director, Global Logistics
United Nations World Food Program

Mr. Daoudi is responsible for the supply chain operations of the world’s largest humanitarian agency, overseeing over 2,500 national and international logistical staff, working both in WFP’s field operations and in its headquarters. On an annual basis, the division is responsible for bringing assistance to more than 100 million beneficiaries by procuring and delivering up to 5 million metric tonnes of food. Furthermore, as Chair of the Global Logistics Cluster, Mr. Daoudi oversees the responsibilities of WFP to facilitate the logistics response of the humanitarian community as a whole, in both sudden and on-going emergencies.

Mr. Daoudi, who began his World Food Programme career in Sudan in 1994, moving to Ethiopia in 1998 (the largest WFP operation at that time), and has led emergency operations in response to the Tsunami, the crisis in Darfur, Hurricane Katrina, the South East Asian Earthquake (Pakistan) as well as the conflict in Lebanon in 2006. He has also been involved in establishing and managing a logistical network in war torn Afghanistan from 2001/2002; building a multi-country logistical network to provide food to drought stricken and HIV/AIDS affected populations of Southern Africa Region, and; managing the supply chain to feed 27 million Iraqis in 2003 immediately following initial hostilities where deliveries exceeded 500,000 metric tons per month or some 27,000 truck loads per month through various corridors, often in very insecure conditions. Over the last two years Mr. Daoudi and his team have facilitated the logistics response of the humanitarian community in sixteen sudden emergencies, and seven on-going crises. Prior to joining the World Food Programme, Mr. Daoudi worked for ten years in the commercial shipping and freight forwarding industry.

Olivier Appert
Chairman and CEO
French Institute of Petroleum (IFP)

In April 2003 Mr. Appert was appointed Chairman and CEO of the French Institute of Petroleum (IFP). Prior to this he worked as Director of the International Energy Agency’s Long-Term Cooperation and Policy Analysis Directorate, a position he had held since October 1999. Prior to this, from 1998 to 1999, he was the Senior Executive Vice-President of ISIS, a technology holding company and publicly listed subsidiary of the Institute Français du Pétrole (IFP). From 1994 to 1998 he was the Executive Vice-President of the IFP in charge of research and development activities. From 1989 to 1994, he headed the Oil and Gas Department of the French Industry Ministry.

Mr. Appert also served in the private sector from 1986 to 1989 as Vice-President of the Phillips Group for mobile radio activity and strategy. He was Executive Director of the French Industry Minister’s cabinet from 1984 to 1986 and was a member of Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy’s cabinet from 1981 to 1984. Mr. Appert is a graduate of the l’Ecole Polytechnique and l’Ecole des Mines.

Admiral Pierre-François Forissier
Chief of Naval Staff
French Navy

Admiral Pierre-François Forissier was born in Lorient in 1951. He studied in Nice, Marseille and Toulon before entering the Naval College in 1968 and the French Naval Academy in 1971. He entered the submarine service in 1975, a career which has seen him assigned to every type of operational submarine. He was Executive Officer of submarines Morse, Rubis and Inflexible, prior to becoming Commanding Officer of the starboard crew of the SSN Rubis and of the port crew of the SSBN le Tonnant.

As a surface and submarine specialist, he served as Executive Officer of the 20th Division of Mine Sweepers and on the Mine Sweeper la Glycine. During his time in Commander rank, he was assigned as Principal Navigation Officer of the aircraft-carrier Foch. He has rarely been assigned ashore but has held posts in the Naval Staff in Paris, firstly in the Materiel and Equipment Department, before moving to Plans where he was Deputy Head of Studies and General Plans, and later becoming Head of Finances Department. While Captain, he was Executive Officer of the Naval Training Center in Brest.

In 2001, he was promoted to flag officer rank and appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic region. He subsequently became the Admiral commanding the Strategic and Oceanic Submarine Force (ALFOST), before taking up his post as the Assistant Chief of Naval Staff in 2005. He has been Chief of Naval Staff since February 2008. He is a graduate of the Officer’s School of Submarine Weapons, an atomic engineer and has a certificate of military higher education. He is also a former auditor of the Centre for Higher Military Studies (CHEM/ IHEDN) and is a Commander of the Legion of Honour.

Mohammed Al Sabab Al Tenaiji
Commander, UAE Navy

He is a Communications specialist and has qualified Watch Keeping from USA, Missile Boat Surveillance Course from Europe, Long ‘C’ from Pakistan, Staff Course from Egypt, and War Course from the USA.

Rear Admiral Al Tenaiji has vast experience of various command and staff appointments. His operational assignments include Navigator, Weapon Officer and XO duties on various Missile Craft, Command of Missile Boats in 2nd & 3rd Missile Boat Squadron and Squadron Commander of 1st Squadron and Flotilla Commander. His Staff Appointments include Head of Operations Section, Operations & Training Directorate, Head of Administration Department, Logistics & Administration Directorate. His previous assignments also include Deputy Director then Director of Operations & Training Directorate, and Deputy Director of Joint Operations Directorate at the General Headquarters. After serving as Deputy Commander of UAE Naval Forces Rear Admiral Al Tenaiji is presently the Commander of UAE Naval Forces.

Various medals have been awarded to him for his long meritorious service including Distinguished Long Service Medal, Silver Medal for Armed Forces Unification, Abu Dhabi Defense Force Service Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, and Quaid-e-Azam Medal & Medallion from Pakistan. He is married and has 3 sons and 2 daughters.

Jérôme Ferrier
Senior Vice-President, Corporate Security

Jérôme Ferrier was born in 1951 and is a graduate of the French Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics (Civil Engineering School) and Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs (Petroleum and Engineering School). Jérôme Ferrier started his career with Elf Aquitaine in 1976 and went on to hold a number of positions in France and Africa.

He joined Elf Aquitaine’s Natural Gas Division, becoming Head of French operations in 1991 and of Southern Europe Division in 1995. In 1998, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Gas du Sud-Ouest, a jointly owned subsidiary of Elf Aquitaine and Gaz de France. In 2002, he became Senior VP America of Total Gas & Power.

In 2005, he became Managing Director of Total Gas & Power for Southern Cone (Argentina, Brazil and Chile) and the Total Group representative for Argentina. Late 2007, he returned to Total Head Office as Special Advisor to the President of Gas & Power. He was appointed Senior Vice President, Corporate Security on September 1st 2008. In October 2008, he was selected President of the International Gas Union (IGU) for the triennial 2012-2015. He is a reserve officer in the French Navy. He is also an advisor on French Foreign Trade.

Pascal Chaigneau
Director, Centre d’Etudes Diplomatiques et Stratégiques (CEDS)

A university Professor, Dr. Pascal Chaigneau is the holder of four Phd's in Sociology, Law, Political Science, and Economics. He is the Director of the Political Sciences Department of Paris Descartes University and an Academic Director at the HEC School of Management (a leading European business school). Also a member of the Paris Bar, he is arbitrator at the International Court of Arbitration. In addition to being Director of the Centre d'Etudes Diplomatiques et Stratégiques, he is member also a member of the Executive Board of Radio France Internationale and Counsellor of the French Foreign Trade.

Reserve Commander, he is Professor at the French War College and expert in International Relations and International Law of the French Navy. He is the author of six books, two dictionnaries, and one manual in International Relations. He is also Head of Collection at Economica Publishers and Administrator of the French National Defence Review. Prize-winner of the Institut de France, Member of the British Royal Society of Arts, and Honorary Doctor of the University of Richmond (USA).

Officer of the Legion d'Honneur, he is holder of National Orders from Belgium, Bolivia, Burkina, Honduras, Madagascar, Niger, Dominican Republic, Senegal and Chad. 53 years old, he is married and father of three sons (24, 22 and 12).

Vice Admiral Xavier Magne
Deputy Chief of Staff, Aeronaval Operations, French Fleet Headquarters

Born in Januray 1956, Rear Admiral Magne entered the French Naval Academy in September 1975.
After a first appointment aboard destroyer "Maillé Brézé", he began a naval aviation carreer and, from 1979 to 1991, achieved approximately 2200 hours on single-seat fixed-wing jets (Etendard IVP and Super Etendard) and 270 deck landings from both CVs "Clemenceau" and "Foch". He participated in several operations and major exercises as wingman, section and division leader and was given the command of the Operational Advanced Training Squadron (14 F) until 1991.

During his command, he attended the first NATO Strike Leader Attack Training Course in January 1990 at NAS Fallon, Nevada. Following this, he joined the newly formed ALFAN HQ in Toulon and as a Staff Officer made contacts with Allied Forces deployed in the former Yugoslavia where he was engaged. After his command of “Meuse” and graduating in a nuclear safety course, he joined CVN "Charles de Gaulle" as Executive Officer. After one year in the Institute for High Defence Studies (IHEDN), he assumed command of CVN “Charles de Gaulle” during which he carried out operations in the Indian Ocean and in the Atlantic Ocean. In February 2006, he was appointed as French Commanding Officer of Maritime Forces (COMFRMARFOR) in Toulon, where he served until July 2007 deploying to the CVBG (Carrier Battle Group) in Indian Ocean to take part in air operations in Afghanistan and with the amphibious group for the evacuation operation in Lebanon (summer 2006). He then took his current appointment as Deputy Chief of Staff Aeronaval Operations in the French Fleet Headquarters.

Riad Kahwaji
CEO, Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis (INEGMA)

Riad is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis (INEGMA), overseeing operations in offices in Dubai and Beirut. His professional journalistic career covering the Middle East region began in 1988. He has produced several documentaries on military and geopolitical issues for leading pan-Arab television stations. Until November 2008, Riad was the Middle East Bureau Chief for Defense News, a leading international defense publication based in USA. He also worked for Jane’s Defense Weekly as Middle East Correspondent (1999-2001), contributing on a regular basis to publications like Jane’s Intelligence Review, Jane’s Sentinel and Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst. His analysis regularly feature in the leading pan-Arab Al-Hayat newspaper and other professional periodicals. His published works include:

• Riad Kahwaji and Michael Kraig: “A Demand-Side Strategy for Regional Security and Nonproliferation in the Persian Gulf,” in James A. Russel, eds. Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), pp: 203-223.
• Riad Kahwaji and Michael Kraig (ed.), Alternative Frameworks for Gulf Security (Arabic), (Dubai: INEGMA 2004).
Riad Kahwaji, “The Israeli Military and Security Establishments,” in Kamil Mansour and Fawzi Abdul Hadi, eds. Israel: A General Survey 2004 (Arabic), (Beirut: Institute for Palestinian Studies, 2004), pp: 497-561.
• Riad Kahwaji: “Gulf Cooperation Council Threat Perceptions and Deterrence Objectives,” Comparative Strategy, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2003, pp: 515-520.
• Riad Kahwaji: “US-Arab Cooperation in the Gulf,” Middle East Policy Journal, Vol. XI, No. 3, 2004

Riad has taken part in many track-2 meetings on regional security, and even organized a number of them. He received his MA in War Studies from King’s College London, and BA in Mass Communication from Phillips University, Oklahoma, USA.

Alain Perret
Director, Homeland SecurityMinistry of Interior

Alain Perret was born in 1952 in Alger (Algeria). He graduated from the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Sécurité Intérieure with a master of laws and doctor in administrative sciences.

Alan was appointed counsellor in the cabinet of the Minister of Civil Servants in 1984, and was selected in the Prefet Corps later in 1989. After three years in the department of Val-de-Marne, he received the charge of the police real estate affairs in Paris and, in 1998, was appointed as subdirector of the relief and civil defence organisation (DDSC).

In 2001, he was promoted general secretary of the department of Val-de-Marne and, one year later, subprefect in Dunkirk where he was given the charge of the security and defence for the whole North region. In 2008, he was nominated Prefect, Director of Homeland Security at the French Ministry of Interior.

Francis Vallat
Chairman, French Maritime Institute

A shipowner for 32 years (also vice-chairman of Intertanko and Board member of the UK-Club) Francis Vallat now chairs the French Maritime Institute (Institut Français de la Mer). This organization of public interest brings together civil and military high level executives of all maritime fields of activity, and acts on all political fronts, at French and European levels, for the promotion of maritime France. One main concern of IFM is also maritime safety. Among others, the IFM publishes the « Maritime Review » and organizes monthly conferences on maritime issues as well as a yearly “National Day of the Sea.”

He is also at the origin and presides the French Maritime Cluster, which aims at developing business synergies amongst companies from different maritime sectors, in order to better promote the dynamism of the French maritime industry. He also plays an active part in the European Maritime Clusters Network, which was created in his Paris office. Finally, he is acting to enhance the cooperation with the French Navy.

A long lasting fighter for quality shipping and maritime safety, Francis Vallat has been (and is) representing France at the Board of Directors of the European Maritime Safety Agency since 2002; he chaired the Agency in 2005 and was its vice-chairman till end 2008. As a reputable and quality oil tanker shipowner, he publicly requested in 1990 that the authorities declare war to “rustbuckets ships”.

Francis Vallat graduated from the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris - he also holds a master degree in litterature and a doctorate in law. He has written many articles focusing on maritime safety.

Emmanuel Fontaine
Lawyer, Specialist in Maritime Law (Pollution, Shipbuilding, Ship Financing)France

Emmanuel Fontaine was born on June 3, 1944 in Barbezieux in Charente. He is a graduate of the Paris University (Master of Public Law, 1967), of the Paris Institut d'Etudes Politiques (1968), and of the University of Berkeley, California, U.S.A (Master of Laws, 1971). He was admitted to Paris Bar in 1972 and became Partner in Gide Loyrette Nouel Law Firm in 1978, the largest international law firm of French origin. He is a specialist in Maritime Law and Project Finance and is in charge of a team of 30 lawyers practicing in these areas.

During his professional career of 35 years, he has advised in Maritime Pollution (especially French state for Amoco-Cadiz, Tanio and Amazzone cases and TOTAL for Erika case) and in General Maritime Law (for a number of large-scaled judicial or arbitral litigation proceedings). As a recognized expert of shipbuilding and ship financing, he was the advisor of the yards Chantiers de l'Atlantique in Saint Nazaire (today Aker Yards) for construction and financing of numerous ships (cruising ships, gas carriers, car ferries, special ships) and of French and foreign shipowners for tax exemption schemes (quirats natural or legal persons). He also advised in a number of cases subsequent to a marine casualty: fire on the ship under construction or in the sea, maritime assistance, shifting of cargo, boarding, groundings.

Last, he actively participated in the development of IOPC's (International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds) practice and doctrine (liability claims against third parties, evaluation of damage to compensate etc.) and wrote a lot of publications. He is Chevalier de l'Ordre National du mérite and Reserve Officer of the French Navy.

Damien Cazé
Director, Maritime Affaires
Sustainable Development and Arrangement, Ministry of EcologyFrance

Born in Vernon, France in 1967, Damien entered the Ecole Nationale des Ponts-et-Chaussées (civil engineering) in 1988 and graduated in 1991. At the same time, he studied public affairs at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Paris. From 1992 to 1994, he carried on with his studies at the ESSEC, and at the French National School of Administration (ENA) from 1994 to 1996.

He has been a magistrate at the French National Audit Office (Cour des Comptes) since 1996, where he rendered reports on the use of state funds for the industry and defence departments, monitoring public enterprises and institutions in the realm of energy, defence and communications. He has also served as a spokesperson at the Financial and Budgetary Discipline Court. From 1998 to 2000, he worked with the UN World Food Programme and the UN Organization for Drug and Criminality as an auditor at the main office in Rome, Italy, and monitoring on site (Ivory Coast, Liberia, Pakistan, China).

He held different positions as a counsellor from 2002 to 2005 : at the Ministry of Agriculture's office, for budget, economic, financial and legal affairs, and then at the Prime Minister's office, for agricultural and fishing affairs. He was appointed Director of Fishing and Aquaculture at the Ministry of Agriculture in 2005, where he focused on Community negotiations, crisis management and driving change. He has also taught International and European Affairs at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Paris since 1997.
In June 2008, he became Director of Maritime Affairs at the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Arrangement.

Professeur Forcade
Professor, Sorbonne University, France

Born in 1964, Olivier Forcade is Professor of modern History at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne. He was precedently lecturer (2002-2006), and than Professor of Modern History, between 2006-2008, at the University of Amiens. He has been lecturer at the military academy of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan and at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris between 1991 and 2002.

He is specialised in the twentieth century international relations, specifically on crises, wars and intelligence. His PhD dealt with French Censorship during the First World War (1998). His more recent research thesis is on French and European Intelligence in 1900-1945.

He has published several books. Among them, most particularly : La République secrète. Histoire des services spéciaux militaires en France 1918-1939, Nouveau monde éditions, 2008, 702 p. ; with Sébastien Laurent Secrets d’État. Pouvoirs et renseignement dans le monde contemporain, Colin, 2005, 234 p. ; with G.-H Soutou and J. Frémeaux (ed.), L’Exploitation du renseignement en Europe et aux Etats-Unis des années 1930 aux années 1960, Economica, 2001, 340 p. ; Militaires en République 1870-1962. Les officiers, le pouvoir et la vie publique en France, (ed.) with Éric Duhamel, and Philippe Vial, actes du colloque international tenu au Palais du Luxembourg et à la Sorbonne les 4-6 avril 1996, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1999, 734 p. ; Histoire et vie politique en France depuis 1945, Éric Duhamel, Olivier Forcade, Paris, Nathan collection Fac, 2000 (new ed. Colin, 2005), 294 p. ; Les Réfugiés en Europe du XVIe au XXe siècle, Olivier Forcade with Philippe Nivet, Paris, Nouveau monde éditions, 2008, 351 p.

Captain George McCarthy
Head of Outreach and Coordination, Office of Global Maritime Situational Awareness, United States

A third generation Merchant Mariner and the sixth consecutive generation of his family to look to the sea for a career, Captain McCarthy was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has resided in Paris, France, and subsequently in Arlington, Virginia. Receiving a BSc in Marine Transportation from Texas T&M University, a United States Coast Guard Unlimited 3rd Deck Officers license, and a commission in the United States Naval Reserves, he briefly sailed for various U.S. Flag shipping companies. Ashore Captain McCarthy has served as: Assistant Port Engineer for a fleet of U.S. Flag bulk cargo vessels, Assistant to the President for a fleet of U.S. Navy T-AGOS Ocean Surveillance vessels, Assistant Vice President of Marine Services, Chief Financial Officer, and then Senior Vice President responsible for all maritime activities involving a fleet of 50+ ocean-going tankers and 40+ inland/ocean-going tug & barges, transporting over 500 millions barrels/year, generating over $1 billion in annual revenues on behalf of the El Paso Energy Corporation.

Most recently he has served as founder/CEO of Cormac Maritime LLC, a worldwide provider of Marine services and shipping. He holds an MBA in both Finance and International Trade from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas and a Diploma in National Security, Strategy and Policy from the Naval War College. He is fluent in French and English.

His awards include the Navy Commendation Medal (2 awards), Navy Achievement Medal (2 awards) and other unit citations and ribbons. He is author or co-author on several articles on the benefits of open sharing of maritime information between nations.

Frédéric Fave
Managing Director, Safety, Security, & Environment, CMA CGM Group, France

Born in 1961, Frédéric Fave graduated from the Marseille Merchant Naval Academy. After serving as an officer on cruise ships with Company Paquet, he served on tankers between 1980 and 1990. His special expertise lies in the important areas of risk prevention and environmental protection.

In 1990, Frédéric worked as Safety-Security-Environment Manager on Marseille Harbour oil tanker terminals, and finally as Operations Manager on the same terminals between the years 1997 and 2003. Following this, he joined CMA CGM Group as Safety-Security-Environment Manager in 2003, where he was tasked with leading the implementation of the fleet Ship Security Plans, in accordance with the ISPS Code.

In 2008, Frédéric was appointed as the Managing Director for Safety, Security, & Environment. He has also acted as IMO Consultant, especially for French-speaking countries in the Indian Ocean and West Africa. He holds a Masters in Risk Prevention.

Camille Grand
Director, Fondation Pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS), France

Camille Grand is Director of the Fondation Pour la Recherche Stratégique since September 1st, 2008. Prior to this assignment, he was Deputy Director (i.e. Deputy Assistant Secretary) for Disarmament and Multilateral Affairs at the Directorate for Strategic, Security and Disarmament Affairs of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) since 2006.

Previously he served as the Deputy Diplomatic Adviser to the French Minister of Defence, Mrs. Alliot-Marie, between 2002 and 2006. He also served as an expert on nuclear policy and non-proliferation in the Strategic Affairs Department of the French MoD between 1999 and 2002. He has also worked with the European Union Institute for Security Studies as a Visiting Fellow (1999-2000), and the Institut des Relations Internationales et Stratégiques as a Research Fellow and Editor of the quarterly journal Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (1994-1998).

Camille Grand currently also teaches graduate courses in international and security affairs at Sciences- Po, Paris (since 1998), and at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (since 2006). Amongst other teaching positions he has held, he was an Associate Professor in Security Studies at the French Army Academy, Ecole Spéciale Militaire (St Cyr-Coëtquidan) between 1995 and 2002.

Jon Hutton
Director, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, United Nations Envionment Program (UNEP)

Professor Jon Hutton is Director of the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre based in Cambridge, UK. In this position, which is the most senior biodiversity post within the UN, Jon has executive authority for the Centre and its 50 staff. The role of the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is to build information by collating, synthesising and evaluating data and coordinating its collection to achieve the relevant information on the status of biodiversity - the world’s plant and animal species, and the ecosystems in which they exist, essentially to be incorporated into policies, plans and action at different levels of policymaking.

Jon has wide experience in many aspects of international wildlife conservation, including CITES and wildlife trade, protected area management, community-based conservation, the sustainable use of natural resources and the relationship between conservation and poverty. In recognition of this he is a member of the Steering Committee of the IUCN’s Species Survival Commission and for more than three years has chaired its Sustainable Use Specialist Group. Jon lived and worked in Zimbabwe from 1977 until 1998 holding numerous senior management positions in government, NGO and private sectors. Following this he became head of Fauna & Flora International's Africa Programme and Director of ResourceAfrica.

During his career, Jon Hutton has published over 50 scientific and technical papers, including work on sustainable use, land use and planning, institutional issues, and conservation policy. Jon retains strong academic interests and is currently a Senior Member of Hughes Hall College, University of Cambridge and is Professor of Sustainable Resource Use with the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology.

Thabit Zahran Al Abdessalaam
Director, Marine Biodiversity Management, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, UAE

Thabit Zahran Al Abdessalaam is responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing fisheries and marine environmental research and development programs at the Environment Agency- Abu Dhabi. He participated and served as scientific sponsor in the Global Ocean Flux studies in the northern Arabian Sea and as the project coordinator of the first comprehensive fish resource assessment survey of the Abu Dhabi and UAE. Thabit has also spearheaded systematic fisheries research and a fishery statistics data collection and reporting program – instrumental in setting forth the fisheries management program in Abu Dhabi. He was at the forefront of the recently concluded coral reef investigations in Abu Dhabi and eastern Qatar which culminated in the mapping of coral reefs in the area and producing a coral reef conservation action plan.

Thabit has contributed towards development of global fishery management policy through his involvement in the FAO-led Expert Consultation on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. As a member of the FAO Fisheries Advisory Committee, 2005 he served as a coastal zone management consultant with UNESCO. Thabit has been actively involved in the work towards establishing of marine protected areas in Abu Dhabi and has actively contributed towards the addition of The Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve to the UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere global network of Biosphere Reserves. Thabit also plays a crucial role in research on endangered species particularly dugongs and sea turtles.

He completed his undergraduate and graduate education majoring in fisheries and marine science in the USA at the University of Miami, Florida, and Oregon University, Corvallis, respectively. He has authored or co-authored a number of books and scientific papers on fisheries and marine environment of Abu Dhabi and the Arabian Gulf.

Professor Gilles Kepel
Chair, Middle East and Mediterranean Studies, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, France

Dr Gilles Kepel was born in Paris in 1955. He is Professor and Chair, Middle East and Mediterranean Studies, at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), where he heads the programs on the Arab and Muslim World, at the PhD, M.A.and undergraduate levels – the later in Menton (French Riviera). He was the founder in 2003 and is the current chairman of the Eurogolfe Network. A visiting professor at NYU and Columbia University in 1995-96, Gilles Kepel holds degrees in Arabic, English and Philosophy, is a graduate from Sciences Po and received his PhD in political science.

He is a contributor to the Financial Times, Le Monde, La Repubblica, El Pais, Al Hayat, and a number of Arabic language and international newspapers. He is regularly interviewed on BBC radio and TV, CNN, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiyya, LBC and French and International channels. He frequently travels to North Africa, the Middle East, the Gulf, the US and Europe, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Social Science Research Council in New York, United States and of the Institute of the Arab World (IMA), located in Paris, France.

Dr. Gilles Kepel has recently received the Philippe Habert Prize in recognition of his scholarly achievements and in particular for his most recent book “Beyond Terror and Martyrdom,” Harvard University Press, 2008 (French: Terreur et Martyre, Relever le défi de civilisation, Flammarion, 2008); (Italian : Otre il Terrore e il Martirio, Feltrinelli, 2009).

Rear Admiral (R’td) Dr. Samir El Khadem
Former Commander, Lebanese Navy

Born in Tripoli, Lebanon, in 1942, Dr. Samir El Khadem is retired as a Rear Admiral after Commanding the Lebanese Navy for several years. A graduate of the French Naval Academy in Brest, he was commissioned as a Naval Lieutenat and Engineer. He was appointed Commander of the Naval Academy in 1973. During the regime of President Elias Sarkis he was transferred to the Army Command as the Bureau Chief of Military Attaches and International Organizations. During this time, he represented Lebanon in many conference and seminars around the world, including Tuni, Fas, Amman, and Paris.

In 1978, he was made envoy by the Lebanese government to participate in the UN debate for Resolution 425 and 426 in order to deploy the UNIFIL in South Lebanon and monitor the Israeli withdrawal. In 1982, he was delegated to follow a Command Naval Course in Paris and in 1986 a course in International Defense Management from the USA. Upon his return to Lebanon he transferred to Army HQ as Director of General Studies and an instructor at the Command and Staff faculty. In 1987, he was appointed Director Central Military Club, Beirut.

In 1991, he was promoted to Rear Admiral and in fall 1996 he assumed the Commandment of Naval Forces. In early 1999, he took charge of the Council of Strategic and Military Studies at the Lebanese Army Command. Since his retirement in September 2000, he is the director of the Arab Institute for East and West Studies. He has also been lecturing in History at Hariri Canadian Academy of Sciences and Technology since 2002. Dr. El Khatem is the author and translator of seven books and a large number of articles. He holds a Masters and a PhD in history from Lebanese University.