Dubai-Africa Partnership for Better Health Roadshow 2017

The Roadshow

About the Dubai-Africa Partnership for Better Health Roadshow 2017
    - West Africa Leg

The Dubai-Africa Partnership for Better Health Roadshow focuses entirely on Africa this year, with different legs planned for its different regions. As such, the launch of Dubai-Africa Partnership for Better Health Roadshow is timely and provides important support to Dubai-based healthcare providers to meet future growth targets for attracting international medical tourists from Africa.

The first leg of the Dubai-Africa Partnership for Better Health Roadshow is planned for West Africa, where Lagos in Nigeria and Accra in Ghana will be visited. The roadshow stop in Lagos will also be inviting visitors from Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, which cannot be visited due to logistical reasons because its airport is closed for maintenance until summer of 2017.

The Roadshow will be held at high end hotels for two full days in each city where key stakeholders identified in collaboration with Dubai Health Authority, Emirate Airlines, and the organizers from those markets will visit the Roadshow. The Roadshow will depart Dubai for Lagos, Nigeria on March 15 before moving to Accra in Ghana on March 19 in a single round-trip with return to Dubai on March 22.

Travel Dates for West Africa Leg

Depart Dubai:  March 15
Arrive in Lagos, Nigeria: March 15
Lagos Roadshow: March 16 & 17

Depart Lagos: March 19
Arrive in Accra, Ghana: March 19
Accra Roadshow: March 20 & 21

Depart Accra: March 22
Arrive in Dubai : March 22

The first leg of this groundbreaking medical tourism roadshow will boost efforts to grow the position of Dubai as an international destination for medical tourism and help you attract more patients from West Africa for 2017 and the years ahead. Dubai-Africa Partnership for Better Health Roadshow’s launch in Africa represents an important market capture opportunity for Dubai-based healthcare providers.

We will be supporting you with travel advice and guidance, and ensure all aspect of the roadshow are properly and efficiently managed. The organizers will ensure you have lists of attendees prior to each event with full contact details as well as access to customized Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) you can sign with facilitators to help you maximize the positive outcomes of your participation in the roadshow. Various other features and benefits – outlined in the sponsorship and participation packages articulated in the next few pages – of participating in the roadshow should make you highly confident of looking forward to excellent returns on investment.